Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Egg Carton Game

Dear Parents,

We played a fun game today during math!  It is called the Egg Carton Game.  We used it for addition, but it can also be used for subtraction, comparing numbers, identifying numbers and much more!

Below are pictures of the game.  Many of us used different strategies to solve the equation or number sentence.  Some used the calendar or 100 chart as a resource, others used a number line, counters, doubles (11+11=?, so I could say 10+10=20, then I have 2 left over, so 20+2=22), mental math, etc.

This would be a simple and  great game to make at home.

Our class created more neurons to make us smarter.  We persevered!

Mrs. Roth's Class

P.S. Don't forget to cover the holes in your egg carton with tape.  Otherwise, the two counter will fall out!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Field Trip

I am excited to begin our next Social Studies unit called "Long Ago" in the next week.  This is where children will recognize changes over time.  For example, the main form of transportation used to be horse and buggy and now we use automobiles.

We will be supporting this unit by visiting Rose Hill Manor Park & Children's Museum on March 24th.  Chaperones will be chosen via a lottery system and I will be in touch as soon as possible.

How can I tell if this book is appropriate for my child to read independently or aloud?

Showing Kindness

The children brainstormed different ways we can show kindness in the classroom, school, community, nation, and world.  The children came up with great ideas!