Monday, September 28, 2015

Green Meadows and Reminders

Our field trip to Green Meadows Farm is coming up and the children are all so excited!  

If you did not send in money to chaperone, you can still go!  Please just let me know ahead of time so that I can plan chaperone groups.  You provide your own transportation to the farm and then just pay at the gate.  If you have any questions about this, let me know.

If you click on the picture below, you can find more information about the farm.

 Green Meadows Petting Farm

Fall Festival party letters have gone out.  Our room parent, Hilary, has already contact parents via SignUp Genius with ways to volunteer and help out with the fun.  If you need her contact information, please let me know.  Siblings are not allowed to attend the parties due to school policy. 

 Don't forget that our Media Center/Library days are every Friday.  Please make sure that your child returns his/her book to school on this day.  A good place to keep it is in your child's backpack so that it is not lost or forgotten.  Thank you for having your child show one of the Centerville 3 R's: Responsibility.  

Mondays and Tuesdays are our P.E. days.  Please make sure that your child is wearing running shoes to school on this day.  Mr.  Black, our P.E. teacher thanks you for your support.